Clinics We Offer

Practice Nurse Clinics
- Asthma Clinic
- Aural Toilet – specialist ear cleaning
- Blood Tests (Phlebotomist)
- Cervical Smear Clinic
- Diabetic Clinic
- Family Planning Advice - our doctors and nurses provide a full range of family planning services which includes the fitting of coils and implants.
- Flu Vaccination
- Hypertension
- Lifestyle Advice – smoking, drinking and diet
- Menopause Advice
- NHS Health Checks
- Travel Vaccinations

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening
Available to men aged 65+,
Please contact the surgery or visit for more information.
The Midwifery Clinic is now based at Queen's Park Leisure Centre. Tel: 01246 206161.
Diabetic Podiatry
This service has currently been suspended to support community wound care
Physiotherapists from Chesterfield Royal hospital are not currently available in surgery for musculoskeletal or pelvic health appointments through self-referral. Please contact the surgery for more information or call the self referral team on: 01246 512173

Cervical Screening
Cervical cancer kills two women every day. Regular screenings can help reduce that number, which is why it’s so important you attend your screening when invited.
Our nurses are trained to do all they can to put you at ease during your appointment and are on hand to answer any questions or concerns you may have. However, whether you attend your screening or not, is ultimately your choice.
If you’re due to have a cervical screening, you’ll receive an invite letter in the post. Don’t ignore it, book your cervical screening here today.
If you missed your previous appointment or are unsure if you are due a screening, please contact us and we will book you an appointment if you’re due.
If you are due a cervical screening you can book an appointment with our reception on 01246 456938.
For more information about Cervical Screening click here

Community Nurses
James Swift - Care Co-Ordinator
Direct telephone number for our district nurses: 01332 564900
The District Nursing team offer professional advice and support and have expertise in wound care management, palliative care/end of life care and continence promotion. They are involved in assessing and planning the care needed by people in their own homes.

Health Visitors
Direct Contact Number: 01246 515255
Health Visitors are qualified nurses who have specialised training in promoting good health. They provide a core programme to children under five years of age, and their families on a wide range of health related matters. They monitor the development of babies and children, and work closely with other agencies.
Chesterfield Health Child Clinics For upto date information contact your Health Visitor
Breastfeeding Support Group:
- Thursday - Peter Webster Centre, S41 8LQ, 1:00 - 2:30pm
Breast Feeding Family Online -
DCHS Health Visiting -
Like us on Facebook for updates and information - Derbyshire Health Visiting Service
NHS non-emergency number: 111